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Monday 26 March 2012

From Nobody to Somebody

By Pastor Chi Emenike- (Luke 8:43-48)

In life many people have found themselves in a critical situation whereby they are now identified and referred by issues they are going through. They have lost their names. Verse 43 of Luke 8, emphasised on a woman having an issue of blood (haemorrhage) for 12 years. This is nobody. No name, no family name, no kindred or lineage and finally, not even town or country. The bible just called her by what she was suffering. Everybody has an issue. One thing is for a person to have an issue and another thing is for the issue to have you. When what you are going through gets to the point that you have lost your name and identity then the issue is having you: And you cannot fulfil destiny. According to Mark’s record in Mark 5:25-34 in vs 26 the bible says ‘‘And had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had...’’ We could deduce 3 vital information:
1. She has consulted so many doctors. Doctors keep records of their patients. So they ought to know her name, because she consulted many of them.
2. She was wealthy before. But now it has finished in the hands of the doctors. This woman’s case was so sympathetic in the sense that one will ask where is her mother, father, siblings, relations? This woman did not fall from the sky.
3. When her money finished she became an outcast. Nobody wants to relate with her anymore. In Luke 5:18. A man that was sick of palsy whose name got lost had friends at least who brought him to Jesus.
But I have good news for someone who is being called ‘‘a nobody’’ Today in the name of Jesus you are ‘‘a somebody’’. If only you will do exactly what the woman did.

In Mark 5:27-28
1.      She said to herself ‘‘if only I can touch the cloth of Jesus’’. If nobody is encouraging you, go ahead and encourage yourself.
2.      Take the first step towards Jesus today by genuinely giving your life to Jesus.
3.      Don’t be bothered about the crowd. Press through. Some will be saying ‘‘hey you are smelling’’ you know what, they are the ones that will give way. Don’t give up, keep pressing. Doubt is saying that, your case is not possible, just press on.
4.      Touch Jesus. God ahead and touch Jesus today with your prayers by faith.

When You Touch Jesus
*People around you might not be aware, but Jesus will.
*You will not only be healed, but you will be made whole. Total restoration! Everything she lost, money, fame, friends, relations etc will be fully restored.
*Your name will change. Just as Jesus ministered to the life of that woman; from a nobody, she became a daughter of the Kingdom in split of seconds. No matter what they have used to replace your name be it poverty, fruitlessness, joblessness, sickness etc, today in the name of Jesus you are getting your name back.
*Your level will change

Prayer Points
1. Father in the name of Jesus, as I touch you today with my prayers by faith let me have my name back. Let me move from nobody to somebody.
2. Father as many that have rejected me today, as I touch you by faith, let them come back rejoicing with me.
3. Father, everything I have lost by the reason of what I am going through now, as I touch you by faith through prayers let me have total restoration- make me whole.
4.  Every obstacle that will hinder me from fulfilling my destiny, father take them away.
5. Father touch me with your hands today and speak a word into my life